March 31, 2018, 5:15 pm

Original paper by Dr Vincent Gray on Seven Station Series (New Zealand), 2011

Gray V - The Seven Station Series.pdf

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Posted 24 December 2017

"As someone who personally experienced central planning and attempts to organise the whole of society by directives from above,  I feel obliged to warn against the arguments and ambitions of the believers in the global warming doctrine. Their arguments and ambitions are ve...

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Posted 22 December 2017

"President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreeement on climate change because it is a bad deal for America.  He could easily have made the decision simply because the science is false.  However, most of the American and global...

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Posted 22 December 2017

"A modern, highly efficient, supercritical coal-fired station with stack gas cleanup is very clean indeed, essentially emitting only water vapour, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. The stack gas cleanup removes virtually all of the sulfur dioxide and the nitrous oxide, the real...

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Posted 30 November 2017

How dependable is climate science? Global warming mitigation policies depend on the credibility and integrity of climate science. In turn, that depends on a deterministic model of the climate system in which it is possible to quantify the role of carbon dioxide (CO2) with...

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Posted 23 November 2017

Dr Ian Flanigan, an Australian graduate in chemistry, explains why claims that carbon dioxide is a significant cause of global warming cannot be supported if the scientific method is applied. "Let us do the impermissible and look at the science behind the question of wheth...

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Posted 19 November 2017

American analyst Dr David Wojick  warns of a new term in pseudoscience: attribution research. "In UN-speak it is called simply 'loss and damage.' This is the unfounded idea that people adversely affected by bad weather are 'climate victims' and as such they should be com...

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Posted 14 November 2017

The Australian website has a timely update rebutting the current wave of propaganda fanned by COP23 in Bonn, about the alleged malign influence of carbon dioxide, so-called 'green' energy, etc, for which we acknowledge its indefatigable leader, Viv Forbe...

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Posted 14 November 2017

In an Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainamara, who is presiding at COP23 (U.N. Conference of Parties on Climate Change) in Bonn, Professor Nils-Axel Morner, the distinguished Swedish scientist and authority on world sea levels, who has been leader of the...

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Posted 14 November 201

"Extra CO2 in the atmosphere has a beneficial effect on plant life. CO2 is a plant fertiliser. Recent studies have documented the world-wide greening effect of the extra CO2.....The biosphere’s productivity has increased by about 14% since 1982. This is good news for feedin...

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Posted 13 November 2017

 "There is no single piece of evidence that proves that a given amount of CO2 increase should cause a large increase in temperature.  You may say, 'just a second, we all saw Al Gore's movie, in which he presented a clear correlation between CO2 and temperature from Antar...

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Posted 13 November 2017

"Governments that signed the Paris Cimate Agreement and committed to making payments to the Green Climate Fund have done so at their own peril.  The absence of key data, methods of calculation and key threshholds regarding future temperature means that potential for furthe...

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Posted 9 November 2017

An article by our Coalition chairman Barry Brill, just posted on WattsUpWithThat, corrects misleading mainstream media claims that the Fijian village Vunidogoloa has been forced to relocate by climate-caused rising seas. In the article linked below, Barry describes how 70 y...

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Posted 8 November 2017

Matt Ridley blogs: "You can always tell when there is a United Nations Climate Conference of the Parties (COP) coming up, because there are any number of carefully timed press releases about how hot it has been or is going to get in the future. The media has been snowed und...

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Posted 5 November 2017

"With the United Nations Climate Change Conference starting on Monday in Bonn, Germany, we need to brace ourselves for an avalanche of global warming alarmism. We'll be told that extreme weather, sea level rise, and shrinking sea ice are all about to get much worse if we do...

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Posted 5 November 2017

"There's not one chance in a million that the future will unfold in the manner predicted by the NZ Royal Society's report Human Health Impacts of Climate Change in New Zealand," said the chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, Hon Barry Brill. "A gypsy fort...

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Posted 2 November 2017

Anyone needing ammunition to win a debate on the question: "Claims of Man-made Global Warming are MIsleading and Fraudulent", needs only to study this Powerpoint presentation by Dr Jay Lehr, the eminent US climate skeptic who has single-handedly helped many thousands of Ame...

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Posted 1 November 2017

"The whole global-warming/climate change fraud is built upon one big misconception, namely that our carbon dioxide emissions continue to add to atmospheric carbon dioxide. The IPCC and other climate alarm groups merely 'assume' their claim is true. Yes, the IPCC has argumen...

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